Monday, October 13, 2014

Normal?? HAHAHA!!! Is there such a thing?


[nawr-muh l]                  
1. conforming to the standard or the common type; usual; not abnormal; regular; natural.
2. serving to establish a standard.
This is part of the entry from and I really don't know that we have a common type or standard to go by here at our school.  I don't think we can be defined by others either ... even those who use the exact curriculum mix that we do.  I'm not even sure that anyone else is doing exactly what we're doing.  That's the beauty of homeschool and the difficulty all wrapped in one.  There is no one to consult regarding your specific situation and there is no one like you.
I keep thinking that it would be great to have a normal school day, but the proper term would likely be ideal.  This week we are scheduled to have an ideal school day Wednesday and Thursday.  I'm sick today and my son is getting sick with head colds.  Braces appointment this afternoon.  Playing Hymns at the nursing home tomorrow and scholar's bowl practice tomorrow in the middle of the school day.  I'm okay with interruptions, but I like things to be orderly and predictable.
Breathe in ...
Breathe out ...
It really is going to be okay.  Expect the unexpected.  The kids will learn what they need to learn!  I think I'm doing better now too.  As I began to homeschool, weeks like this would put me in the grumpiest mood before we even start.  Now, well, I have bigger fish to fry.  Things outside of this little home school, but I don't need to delve into them here. 
Homeschooling is not our sole identity.  We have other obligations and for me several of them are due by the end of this week, so I need to direct my attention to them and not freak out because we are not normal and we don't have normal days.  We occasionally have an ideal day here and there, but I guess today may just be a normal day - scattered and unplanned - while Wednesday has a slim chance of being ideal, but abnormal.
I would not change my normal for someone else's normal.  This is the best life for me.

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