Monday, August 28, 2017

It Doesn't Take Long

Day one of week three.  Already messy!
As much as I try to stay organized, I find myself on this Monday morning looking at a cluttered mess.  Life happens and then the house, the classroom and the students are completely disorganized.  Last Friday, we had to play catch-up from earlier in the week and we didn't get our areas clean.  Momma didn't get the grading done and in the rush to get things ready for our home school group, and the late night afterward, I just found myself dropping things where they landed. 
These are the weeks that are most often the norm.  I just want to sit back and take a deep breath and begin again.  The great thing is that I can do all of those things.  I recharged this morning before getting out of bed with the Bible and today, I let my Bible app read to me.  Wake up was slow going, but the animals are all fed, the kids are up and slowly getting to school and I'm cleaning up one small space at a time.  It's the only way I can keep from being overwhelmed.  Leftovers out of the fridge... check.  Last week's assignments graded ... check.  Desk cleaned off and unimportant papers tossed ... check.  Laundry started ... check.  Bills ... check.
I can't stay around the computer today.  I gotta keep moving, so see you in a week!  I've got some catching up to do!

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